Troubleshooting Lidar
Under construction 🏗️
A common issue when building a localization system is having lidar drops. This can localization module output estimate to diverge from vehicle pose.
The symptoms:
- Output looks correct when vehicle is driving slowly (20kph) in a straight line
- High-frequency dynamics are not captured, so output diverges when taking a sharp 90deg+ turn or switching lanes at high speeds
The types:
- Consistently Lower frame rate
- Easier to debug
- Random lidar drops
Potential causes:
- Networking
- The router is saturated - Lidar messages are heavy bandwidth, a 128 channel lidar TODO LINK EXAMPLE publishes XYZI at GBps
- CPU contention
- The CPU isn't powerful enough
Identifying it
- Finding offline it on bagfile
- Use plotjuggler to plot the timestamp and look for ?
- // show an example of with and without frame-drop
- Can plotjuggler use custom code to plot for moving average frequency?
- Use
ros2 topic hz
- Use plotjuggler to plot the timestamp and look for ?
- Finding on vehicle
- ros2 topic check
- deploy [[frequency monitors]]
- deploy [[CPU monitors]]