Localization System
Under construction 🏗️
Localization System
refers to the hardware + software components which computes the global or relative pose trajectory. This pose could be either 6DoF SE(3) or 3DoF SE(2).
In this site, I usually talk about Localization System
for a fleet1 of autonomous vehicles driving on urban public roads.
- 6DoF pose trajectory w.r.t global UTM (or relative ENU frame)
- Covariances
- Linear & angular velocities
- System health diagnostics
- 2-3 Lidars for full coverage
- 3D pointcloud map (local or geo-referenced)
- 6-axis IMU for velocity updates
- GNSS pose for initialization prior
- Onboard computer to run Lidar scan-matching and pose filtering
- High bandwidth network interface for dense Lidar pointclouds
Mapping vehicles would contain more accurate and expensive sensors than fleet vehicles. ↩